Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Broken Chanukkah Candle

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Our Mission
Strengthen families worldwide
Teach the Hebrew roots of the faith
Expose pagan practices of religion
Experience true worship

We hold these firm beliefs…
· In Moshiach Yahshua, as the virgin born Son of Elohim, having come
in the flesh as the Word of YHWH. That in Him dwells all the fullness of Elohim.
· In Yahshua’s death, burial, physical resurrection and subsequent ascension to the right hand of the Father, where He sits as the Cohen HaGadol over Yisrael. Psalm 110:1, Luke 24:51. As Yahshua, the Son of Elohim, being the Way to eternal life. John 14:6 That only the blood of the Lamb of Yah, Yahshua, can remove one's Torah breaking (John 1:29).
· That Replacement Theology, Duel Covenant Theology, and Separate Entity Theology are unscriptural. Yisrael can only be defined, as those who are physical human beings, with a physical connection to Yisrael, along with a spiritual connection to Yisrael by being Believers Yahshua as the Moshiach.(Ephesians 2:11-19). That Ephraim-Yisrael's
recognition of their identity and restoration with brother Yehudah is the truth that will become the salvation of all Yisrael most fully in the millennial reign of Moshiach (Ezekiel 37:16-28, Romans 11:25-26). That Yahshua's physical return to earth will result in the ultimate restoration of the Kingdom to Yisrael. (Acts 1:6)
· That a person must do repentance (teshuvah) and a confession of belief in the Moshiach
· Yahshua, which should be followed by immersion (mikvah) in His Name [authority] as a public declaration of becoming a disciple (talmidim) of the Rebbe Melek Yahshua HaMoshiach by walking out his salvation in
the Torah (John 3:3; Acts 2:36-47).This would be followed by obedience to the mitzvah of brit milah or hatafat dam.
· That the Torah is eternal and still binding on the followers of
Moshiach Yahshua.
· That YHWH is rescuing from the nations a redeemed remnant, and rebuilding Yisrael.
· Yisrael is defined as Judah-Yehudah and Ephraim-Yisrael, the two physical houses becoming one again, through our Moshiach Yahshua. Their companions are the minority non-Yisraelites, who by Moshiach’s atonement, join the nation of Yisrael, and become Yisrael. We recognize that all Jews are Yisraelites but also that all Yisraelites are not Jews. The Yisrael of YHWH, Galatians 6:16, includes all children of the
promise, through Isaac-Yitzchak and Jacob-Yisrael, and those who join Yisrael. First Peter 2:9, Ezekiel 37:16, Isaiah 56:1-8.
· That all believers in Moshiach Yahshua are physical and spiritual Yisrael, regardless of whether they come from Judah-Yehudah, Ephraim-Yisrael (10 tribes) or have no Yisraelite blood but have joined Yisrael’s Commonwealth through submission to Yisrael’s King the Moshiach Yahshua. Thus the ekklessia/kahal is Yisrael restored.
Ephesians 2:11-19
· That the so called church does not exist apart from the historic
people of Yisrael, and as such never replaced Jewish-Yisrael as Yisrael Acts 7:38, Acts 2:1-47. We reject all forms or derivations of Replacement Theology or Dominion Theology. Jewish-Yisrael’s major covenants with YHWH are eternal and unconditional. However the individual must make teshuvah-repentance through Yahshua, to reclaim the covenant promises that belong to the nation. Jer. 31:33-34
· That the true eternal Names of the Father and the Son are YHWH
and the Son Yahshua or Yahoshua/Yehoshua. While the spelling is not important, the usage is.
· We are completely opposed to any sects of White-Aryan Ephraim-Yisraelitism, or anything remotely anti-Jewish, anti-Yisrael, anti Zionist or that can be construed as being anti-Semitic. Yisrael is Joseph’s coat of many colors and races. Yisrael today can found in all nations, colors and races. No racist doctrine such as black Yisrael.
· That all members or attendees have an obligation to support the work of their local congregation with their time, talent, and treasure as the Ruach HaKodesh leads them. We teach Torah tithing and expect all to obey the Torah.
· That the Seventh Day is the True Shabbat of YHWH and it is a Holy convocation and one is obligated to meet with Believers on that day in an assembly. The Feasts of YHWH should be observed by the Body of Moshiach (Passover, Shavuot, and Sukkot being Sholesh Regulim) according to the established rabbinical calendar. (Lev.23) We reject all pagan holidays and rites that involve any religious observance.
· That we should accept the writings of the Jewish sages such as the Mishnah, Talmud, Zohar, and other writings useful for learning Torah
and Halakah. These writings are not infallible and should be used for reference only.

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