Saturday, January 12, 2013

warm and fuzzy with patrick j miron - The Kingdom of God In Turbulent Times by John Paul Jackson


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ok here we go

The deception on Patrick j miron

*Protestant Theology & Catholic Doctrines*

*Exposed to cover & discover the **“Naked Truth“..*

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*patrick j miron . **Catholic responses to the Booklet:*

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* **“Answers to my Catholic Friends” *by *Thomas F. Heinze *

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* part 4 with patrick j miron*

A Catholic reply to Protestant “[mis]- Understandings” Part 4

*FRIENDS, I am prefacing this section with a brief “How to Understand the
Bible Lesson”*

*Of ALL created things in the Universe; **only humanity can rationalize and
choose to love. *

* **In order to do this requires the “God-like” attributes of a mind,
intellect, and a freewill which are permanently attached to our souls; *

*which emulate God Himself because they are Spiritual things, which cannot
die or be killed.*

* While our bodies die; this Spiritual package of gifs live on for eternity.

*The man, made easy philosophy that teaches that*

* “all that is required for ones “salvation” is to ask God ("Jesus" patty
boy) to*

* “be my personal Lord and Savior” *

*may make one all warm and fuzzy inside. *

*But it will not get one to heaven. *

* **It will not bring of itself salvation.*

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* **Believing that anyone can or will attain participation in Christ Glory*

* without first sharing in Christ Passion and suffering is a naïve, *

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*foolish, *

*even nonsensical teachings *

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*of mortal men;*

* **who themselves claim to know more and or know better that the God
Inspired Bible. *

* **[2nnd. Tim 3:16] **Protected [**John 17:15-19] **and Guided Catholic

* **[John 14:16-17; fulfilled in John 20:21-22] **…*

talk of a "sinner's prayer,"

Beware the beast Man, for he is the devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed.

There is often talk of a "sinner's prayer," in which an interested party is to be led in order to become a Christian.

Of course, praying doesn't make one a Christian anyway, but there's also folly in thinking that an unconverted person would ever want to pray such a prayer prior to being born again.

What would a true sinner's prayer look like? In other words, what would an honest prayer from an unconverted person* look like?

John Gerstner, mentor of R.C. Sproul, gives this suggestion:

"Dear God, whom I hate with all my being precisely because you hate and threaten me with hell, I hate this punishment perhaps even more than I hate you. Or, maybe I should say that I love my comfort even more than I hate you. For that reason I am asking a favor of you. I want you to make me love you, whom I hate even when I ask this and even more because I have to ask this. I am being frank with you because I know it is no use to be otherwise. You know even better than I how much I hate you and that I love only myself. It is no use for me to pretend to be sincere. I most certainly do not love you and do not want to love you. I hate the thought of loving you but that is what I’m asking because I love myself. If you can answer this 'prayer' I guess the gift of gratitude will come with it and then I will be able to do what I would not think of doing now—thank you for making me love you whom I hate. Amen."
-John Gerstner, Rational Biblical Theology of Jonathan Edwards (Powhatan, VA: Berea Publications, 1993), 3:81.
*As described by Scripture ... e.g., 1 Cor 2:14; John 3:3, 6-8, 19-20; 6:44; Acts 16:14; 2 Cor 4:4; Jer 17:9; Ezek 36:26-27; etc.

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