Saturday, October 20, 2012

Registered: Nov 21, 2008
Posts: 16
Reply with quote #16
Hilaire Belloc was once accosted by an "usher" or something while visiting a Catholic Church. Belloc insisted on standing at the back of the church and when the "usher" kept trying to get him to sit down Belloc roared at him, "Go to Hell!" Apparently that was all it took. I wouldn't necessarily recommend this response, but the idea of doing it does give a bit of satisfaction. At least it does to me. Realistically, it would probably be best to say something to the priest and hope he takes care of it. But if not.....????

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Registered: July 18, 2007
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Reply with quote #17
I heard that it was an Anglican church, and the usher kept trying to get him to kneel.... either way, "Go to hell" got the job done!
God bless,


Love God, serve God: everything is in that. -- St. Clare of Assisi

Holy Communion is the shortest and safest way to Heaven. -- Pope St. Pius X

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Registered: March 14, 2008
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Reply with quote #18
Originally Posted by Tradcat
I heard that it was an Anglican church, and the usher kept trying to get him to kneel.... either way, "Go to hell" got the job done!
Hadn't heard the story, but I would find it difficult to believe that M. Belloc ever set foot in an Anglican Church, except as an aesthetic exercise, outside service times.

Jovan-Marya of the Immaculate Conception, T.O.Carm.

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Registered: Feb 18, 2008
Posts: 138
Reply with quote #19
Gabriel & Jenn ~ All I can say is, when something like this happens one feels somewhat slimed -therefore, the more mucking about, the worse. Although the outcome was excellent.
And I am abashed b/c I couldn't handle it without running to the head priest. Probably needlessly, a case of the scruples as they say. I'm oversensitive sometimes. Just glad its over and done with -

God bless the Incorruptibles!

"O Lady of Last Assurance
Light in the laurels, sunrise
of the dead,
Wind of the ships and
lightning of Lepanto
In honour of Thee, to whom
all honor is fled."

G. K. Chesterton, "In October"

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Registered: April 14, 2008
Posts: 76
Reply with quote #20
Please don't feel badly about this. Priests really do care about what happens in their church, and most of them have a genuine concern for their parishioners. I'm sure he would rather that you spoke to him than did nothing and avoided his church.

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Registered: July 18, 2007
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Reply with quote #21
Hadn't heard the story, but I would find it difficult to believe that M. Belloc ever set foot in an Anglican Church, except as an aesthetic exercise, outside service times.

I think it was for a wedding, or perhaps for a funeral. He wasn't going for his health

God bless,


Love God, serve God: everything is in that. -- St. Clare of Assisi

Holy Communion is the shortest and safest way to Heaven. -- Pope St. Pius X

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Registered: June 13, 2008
Posts: 126
Reply with quote #22
I came in late on this one... I'm so sorry this happened to you. Why she felt the need to put her hands on you at all blows my mind. Would the hissing not have been enough? I don't know what it is with grumpy angry old women these days! I'm glad your priest handled it well and you got a solution to the problem. Take care!

"We are oft to blame in this-- 'Tis too much proved --that with devotion's visage and pious action we do sugar o'er the devil himself."

Registered: Nov 26, 2008
Posts: 20
Reply with quote #23
My dear sister in Christ

I suspect you already know the answer.... WWJD?

Turn the other cheek. (But don't stop there.)

When you are able to in a charitable manner, approach the "lady" in question
and let her know that you appreciated her direction, but that she hurt your arm in the process. Thank her again, and suggest that the next time she is being helpful, to please do so with a bit more charity and care.

Thanks again!

God bless you,

Patrick J. Miron

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